Each and every one of our Manniquins are like family to us and are a huge part of our courses that’s why every single one of them are named after a very special person with their own story….If you know an everyday hero or a loved one you would like to honour contact us today…
(Story written by Lucas’s mom)
My name is Tammy Renauld, I have been married for 20 years to my husband Rene ,and we have 3 wonderful boys, one of which sadly is in heaven!
Every day you hear people having miscarriages and losing babies and children and you think it could never happen to you, a parent should never have to say goodbye to their child forever unfortunately it did happen to me…
I became pregnant with my third child in September of 2008, we were ecstatic, I had always wanted 3 children all throughout my pregnancy I felt great, it was the first one that I wasn't sick at all. Every checkup that I went to was a breeze, baby was growing and as healthy as ever, in my ninth month my amniotic fluid was low so they kept a close eye on me and gave me an ultrasound days before delivery, everything was fine and baby was doing great, 2 days later I dropped my older 2 boys off at their their grandma and grandpas and told them I'd be home in a few days with a new brother or sister! My husband and I drove to the hospital in anticipation of a new boy or girl, when we arrived they induced me right away and I sat and waited, shortly after I had a feeling that something wasn't right, I was getting sharp pains and all of a sudden I felt something snap and I was in severe pain.
My husband ran for help and in seconds their were nurses and doctors everywhere saying they had to get me to surgery immediately, we were in shock had no idea what was going on! They rushed me downstairs and put me under. The next thing I remember they were wheeling me out of surgery asking me if my baby had a name yet I told them yes of course, it's Lucas Walter Why? They then informed me he was being flown by STARS to the Edmonton stollery!
In the days to come I found out that something inside of me had ruptured and the cord came first which meant my baby was pushing on it and cutting off his air supply which in turn meant no oxygen. They revived him but had to hook him up to machines, after numerous tests and MRI s and brain scans they came to the conclusion that there was no brain activity and we had the impossible decision to make of when to unhook life support and let nature take its course.
He lasted on his own for 17 hours. The hardest 17 hours of my life, watching my baby take his last breaths!
With the amazing help and support from our family and many great friends we made it through some very hard times ahead. It is so difficult to continue on but when something tragic happens in your life it changes the person that you are.
I now do not take anything for granted, I spend every moment that I can with my children, yes I get frustrated with them sometimes like every mother does but I also realize that life is very precious and can change in an instant.
Philip joined the heavens at a tender age and is deeply missed by his family, out of respect for those who loved him his story will remain private.
(Story written by Yvons’ daughter)
Yvon left our world too soon, he is sadly missed by many little grandchildren and his children.
Yvon had a way to brighten up a room with his joking and teasing, and you could always find him on the ground playing toys with all the kids. he never missed a baseball or hockey game/practice, he was always there sitting in the stands, his grandkids #1 Fan!!
Yvon was always there to lend a hand to anyone and everyone, and never complained once about it… even towards the end of his life when he was very sick and in a lot of pain, he would never let anyone see that part.
In 2017 Yvon had suffered a myocardial infarction (heart attack), which led to the discovery of his Cancer diagnosis, he fought a long hard battle.
On the early morning of January 22nd 2018 while commuting to Edmonton from St. Paul to his last week of his cancer treatments he took his last breath.
It was a Monday morning, Yvon was going to Edmonton for the final week of his radiation, he was laying in the passenger seat asleep and suddenly agonal breathing was heard.
Yvon was sitting on the side of a highway and did not receive CPR immediately. Luckily an off duty fireman stopped as he was flagged by and did assist until EMS could arrive, which was at least a 30 min wait.
There are many days Yvons’ loved ones have wondered if the outcome may have been different had he received CPR immediately.
We miss Yvon every day, life has not been the same without him in it. It is so important for everyone to know Basic CPR, it could save someone’s loved one and make a difference in someone’s life!
(story written by Jaydas’ mom)
I was scheduled to have a c-section with Jayda on May 13th 2009…
The night of May 10, 2009 I woke up with severe pain in my stomach, and went into the St Paul hospital, The doctors and nurses could not find Jaydas’ heartbeat, and my blood pressure was at critical point so they could not operate on me..
The hospital staff contacted STARS, which I was then airlifted to Edmonton, for an emergency c- section. I was operated on...I woke up to the news that Jayda was gone.
I ended up having a uterine rupture and placental abruption and lost 4 liters of blood, at that time I was given a 20% chance of survival. The doctors explained that babies only have about a cup of blood in them and because of this Jayda lost her blood, sooner than me.
I lost Jayda on May 10th, 2009, on mother's day at 39 weeks. Jayda weighed 7lbs.
She might not be here today, but she is never forgotten,
Our mother and daughter bond will never be broken.
Robert was deeply loved by his friends and family but as per his families wishes Roberts' story will remain private...
(Story written by Jarod’s mom)
Jarod was was born on February 22,1999 in Bonnyville,AB. He was born with the cord wrapped around his neck and unresponsive for the first two minutes of his life but with the amazing doctor and nurses hard at work Jarod took his first breath. From that day forward Jarod lived life to its fullest!
Jarod never did anything less that 150%. He was alway ready for his next big adventure whether that meant learning a new skateboard trick, creating a new recipe, saving a helpless animal off the streets to find a new home, getting together with his friends or finding the next best place to go fishing, Jarod was ready!
Just like Jarod’s adventurous side he also loved at 150%. You could say that he had many moms, dads, brothers and sisters because once Jarod trusted you to let you into his life he loved you like family. For this I am extremely grateful because I now share a bond with many beautiful people that also loved him as a son or a brother.
On July 28, 2021 Jarod was heading out on what was his aventure. A camping/ fishing weekend.
After work he hoped in his truck to make a 5 hour trip north to meet up with some friend he had met while on vacation in Handuras. Jarod was on the outside of the city limits going through construction when he realized he was headed in the wrong direction. He found a safe place to turn around and started heading back the way he came. Because of the construction and poor signage Jarod didn’t know that he was actually heading back in the wrong side of the road and as he was coming down a hill and around a corner he was hit by a semi. His vehicle exploded on impact.
From that moment life changed forever for me, his dad, his bother Kyle, his sister Sophie and numerous others. He is missed more that words could ever explain.
Even though my sunshine is gone his light still shines. He has pushed me to do things I never need possible. He has his friends and family trying to live life with a little more adventure and love.
You can help Jarods’ legacy live on by purchasing a painting @ Painting for Jarod each year the purchase of these paintings gets donated to a wonderful cause this year it is the Canadian Cancer Society.
Jarod lives on through all that new him and now also through Heart Starter - Lifesaver training ♥️
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